
IMAP Thunderbird Gmail import

Set up IMAP Step 1: Check that IMAP is turned on On your computer, open Gmail. In the top right, click Settings . Click Settings. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the "IMAP access" section, select Enable IMAP. Step 2: Set Google a…

ubuntu 18.04 install RVM & Ruby

Pre-requisites You need software-properties-common installed in order to add PPA repositories. If not installed, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common 1. Add the PPA and install the package O…

"Split DNS" or "Split Tunneling"

teamviewer 2 NICs 2 routes one connection to the Internet for VPN and another for accessing other websites? https://superuser.com/questions/166555/how-to-use-one-connection-to-the-internet-for-vpn-and-another-for-accessing-othe

Routing iproute2, 2 gateways and 2 network interfaces

https://johnyuan2000.hatenadiary.org/entry/20120420/1334914291 https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Two_Default_Gateways_on_One_System https://www.adampalmer.me/iodigitalsec/2014/10/05/linux-iproute2-multiple-default-gateways/ https://serv…

Asynchronous Routing : SSH server can't be connected to when VPN is turned on


Ubuntu 18.04 terminal (gnome-terminal) does not start

terminalが起動しない... - Qiita コマンドを打てるように、Ubuntu Softwareから、代替として、xtermなどをインストールする。 terminalを開いてクラッシュした後、すぐに以下のコマンドを実行 システムログの末尾を表示し、クラッシュの原因を確認する... t…

Wifi Standerd

Versions There are many different versions of Wi-Fi: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (Wi-Fi 4[40]), 802.11h, 802.11i, 802.11-2007, 802.11-2012, 802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5[40]), 802.11ad, 802.11af, 802.11-2016, 802.11ah, 802.11ai, 802.11aj, 802.1…

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS (Boinic) Autologin

Since Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS (Boinic), this does not seem to work. Here is what you need to do: gist.github.com 244 https://gist.github.com/ablaze8/b906005956ade193d829bdf0d28c170f 12-autologin.conf # create /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/12-a…

ubuntu change resolution

xrandr --fb 1440x900

OpenVPN ubuntu 18.04 terminal command

Start OpenVPN on Ubuntu 18.04 client This make OpenVPN start on Starting up sudo openvpn --client --config /etc/openvpn/client.con Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Set Up OpenVPN Server In 5 Minutes - nixCraft with NetworkManager sudo apt install openvpn …

ubuntu 18.04 resize swap after installation permanent

https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-18-04 https://bogdancornianu.com/change-swap-size-in-ubuntu/


xrandr --fb 1440x900

LibreOffice Calc: get the distinct/unique values in a column or a list of elements

Procedure to get the distinct values in a column or a list of elements: Select the column (or the list of data) that you want to process Click on the top menu Data then click on the option group More Filters and finally on the option Stand…

Add sudoer and Disable Root Login Access in Ubuntu 18.04

Create a New Sudo User $ adduser <username>$ sudo adduser <username> sudo disable root login. /etc/ssh/sshd_config: PermitRootLogin no and the restart the ssh service sudo service ssh restart How to Disable Root Login Access in Ubuntu 18.04 If you want to dis</username></username>…

IKEv2 VPN Server with StrongSwan on Ubuntu 18.04 : Creating a Certificate Authority "ipsec pki" command replaced by "pki"

Creating a Certificate Authority An IKEv2 server requires a certificate to identify itself to clients. To help us create the certificate required, the strongswan-pki package comes with a utility to generate a certificate authority and serv…

xubuntu 18.04 xfce4 lightdm autologin

sudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-xubuntu.conf [SeatDefaults]user-session=xubuntuautologin-user=YourDesiredAutoLoginUserName

Ubuntu18.04 selenium geckodriver chromedriver "Tried to run command without establishing a connection"

Tried to run command without establishing a connection (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidSessionIdError) 2G未満のRAMだと、Window数個でドライバーがクラッシュ、結果このエラーがでる。 geckodriverのダウンロード https://github.com/mozilla/gec…

ubuntu 18.04 squid3 SSL/HTTPS Transparent proxy (SSL Bump)

1.squid3をSSL/HTTPSに対応するようリビルド Sourceファイルをダウンロード出来るようにaptを編集 標準でaptからインストールされるsquid3はHTTPS/SSLに対応していないので、sourceをダウンロードしオプションを追加してあげることで対応する。 まずはじめに…

ubuntu 18.04 server gnome-session-flashback installation

sudo apt-get install gnome-core gnome-session-flashback vino sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop gnome-session-flashback sudo service lightdm start Yes, you can install GNOME FlashBack session on 18.04 LTS: sudo apt-get install gnome…

ubuntu 18.04 dose not launch terminal

You can change the locale in /etc/default/locale. You can try setting the contents of that file to: LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="en_US"

xubuntu lightdm autologin setting

Enabling AutoLogin from command line sudo mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-myconfig.conf [SeatDefaults] autologin-user=USERNAME

(Ubuntu Server without Default Desktop/DM) install and configure TightVNC on Ubuntu 18.04

(Ubuntu Server without Default Desktop/DM) install and configure TightVNC on Ubuntu 18.04 Run the following command to install Xfce desktop: sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-session tightvncserver When installation completes, start a new V…

ubuntu 18.04 server xfce4 lightdm

Install xfce4 into Ubuntu18.04 server (LightDM and Xfce) xfce4をubuntu server上にインストールしても、それだけではxfce4や他のDesktopシステムは立ち上がらない。xfce4にかんしては LightDM をつかってみた。 Installation $ sudo apt install xfce4 l…