
Ubuntu 20.04 で Chrome RemoteDesktop Bug Fix

Install Chrome Remote Desktop You can grab the source code from my GitHub Account or simply run it by running cd ~/ sudo apt install -y wget && bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KeithIMyers/Chrome-Remote-Desktop-Ubuntu-Set…

Remort Desktop IPRoute2 VPN VNC

www.digitalocean.com unix.stackexchange.com medium.com

ubuntu 20.04 英語キーボード

golang.hateblo.jp 日本語配列から英語配列に変更 $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration キーボードモデル: Generic 105-key (Intl) PC (※ happy hacking keyboard を使ってる場合はその項目がある) キーボードが由来する国: 英語(US) キーボード…

ubuntu weChat


Sakura VPN ubuntu 18.04 disabling root access and kill initial root user

www.digitalocean.com Adding a User you can add a new user by typing: sudo adduser newuser Granting a User Sudo Privileges If your new user should have the ability to execute commands with root (administrative) privileges, you will need to …

Enable Screen Sharing & Disabling Encryptuion on Ubuntu

ubuntuhandbook.org Run command in terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal): gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false You may also run command to allow people not in local network to access using UPnP (if your router suppor…

Ubuntu20.04 headless desktop for VNC

http://rarak.jp/16022 askubuntu.com $ nmcli connection show $ sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-dummy $ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" Driver "dummy"EndSection Section "Monitor" Identi…

Ubuntu20.04 headless desktop for VNC

http://rarak.jp/16022 $ nmcli connection show $ sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-dummy $ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" Driver "dummy"EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configur…

vnc 2nd network route

askubuntu.com In the network-manager icon at the top-right of the screen click in Open Edit Connections... and then Add and select Ethernet In the ethernet tab select your network device (enps025 in my case) Go to IPv4 Settings tab, select…

iPad VNC cannot access Ububtu / disabling the encryption completely on Vino server

https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-remote-desktop-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux From this reason we first need to disable encryption on remote Vino desktop sharing server. Execute the following linux command to disable the remote server to require…

install Tight vnc on win10


ubuntu mozc 入力モード 切り替え

Ubuntu18.04にて、USキーボードを用いて英数字と日本語(ひらがな)の切り替えを行なう方法 - Magidropack’s blog 【入力ソースの設定】 通常、英数字と日本語の切り替えを行なう為にソースを2種類設定しておくのが一般的だと思います。 ※画像は「設定」のウ…

ubuntu 日本語配列キーボード

Ubuntu18.04にて、USキーボードを用いて英数字と日本語(ひらがな)の切り替えを行なう方法 - Magidropack’s blog 【入力ソースの設定】 通常、英数字と日本語の切り替えを行なう為にソースを2種類設定しておくのが一般的だと思います。 ※画像は「設定」のウ…

ubuntu 20.04 chrome password autofill not work

Steps: 1. cd ~/home/{$user}/.config 2. mv google-chrome google-chrome-old 3. launch chrome 4. Sign in with your account and sync it. if you got lots of tabs open use tab wrangler or some tabs manager to export before trying the fore said s…

ubuntu share wifi over ethernet

There is a hidden method to share your WiFi over Ethernet in the latest Gnome. Type nm-connection-editor in your terminal. Add a shared network connection by pressing the Add button. Choose Ethernet from the list and press Create. Click IP…