Ubuntu 20.04 で Chrome RemoteDesktop Bug Fix



Install Chrome Remote Desktop

You can grab the source code from my GitHub Account or simply run it by running

cd ~/

sudo apt install -y wget && bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KeithIMyers/Chrome-Remote-Desktop-Ubuntu-Setup/master/chrome-remote-desktop-setup.sh);

You will need to reboot your machine once the installation has completed and before continuing to the next step.

Configuring Chrome Remote Desktop

After you rebooted your computer, you can now configure your computer for remote access

Open the Chrome Remote Desktop Extension by clicking on https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-remote-desktop/inomeogfingihgjfjlpeplalcfajhgai/ and select “Add to Chrome”. This will take a few moments to install.

Next, Open the following URL to launch the Chrome Remote Desktop Web Application https://remotedesktop.google.com/access/

Select “Turn On” under Setup Remote Access

Enter a friendly name for your computer

Enter a 6 (or more) digit pin code that will need to be entered to access your computer

That’s it, you can now access your computer by visiting https://remotedesktop.google.com/access/  on any computer or Chromebook running the Chrome (or Chromium) browser. If you wish to use a Android or iOS device, you can download the “Chrome Remote Desktop” application from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.





Its a bug for the chrome remote desktop installer not creating its own config folder. So simply create it via mkdir ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop, refresh your chrome, and the "turn on" section will show up.






